26 August 2010

Roller Derby!

Finally, after searching in other places that I have lived, I have found a roller derby league to be a part of and love!
I am waiting to take assessment so that I can bout... more to come...

Brody Slaughterhouse 3.14

12 July 2010

a poem written many years ago about a day that changed me

My room is a mess - I can't see the floor below me
That which is supposed to keep me stable.
Memories lie on the floor because I dare not put them away -
There is no where for them to go.

He'll be here soon,
I dread what is about to begin.
The stairs creak with the movement of his boots until I can see his shadow under the door.
Standing in front of me it appears that there is innocents in his eyes.
I am okay here… I am fine.

Cloths are torn off - he tends to mine and his.
He licks, bites, and slobbers on me, as if he's never touched flesh,
Grabs and pulls at me to tear me apart - leaving his mark where he can.
There are no more defining lines, the room spins, blurs as he me in every which way he can --- a rag doll a child makes dance.

He is not here to 'love' me - it is a hundred yard dash.
Held down for penetration - I look out the window.
He is trying to reach my womb,
pulling away as much as possible
getting ready for a thrust only seen in snuff video.
But he draws back too far, missing -
the skin tears as he just pulls back to repeat.

A pain shakes my body, every nerve is on fire
and every thrust only fuels it.
He finishes in a glory that is only his,
as i scramble to find the strength to sit up he dresses, throwing my clothes at me.

I watch him closely as a new warmth fills my womb -
my blood is spilling.
A pool on the bed forms as the door closes behind him.
Blood is everywhere, more than I have ever seen.
I try to stop it - to clean it, but pool after pool forms.

I am stained.
Everything is stained.

04 June 2010

Homemade Puppy Happiness

This is Odinn, our amazing pup. Today he is six months old so I decided that it was about time I started making dog biscuits for him, opposed to buying them. They are easy, cheap and he LOVES them (especially if they are on the crunchy side). So, in the hope that others will follow, here is a recipe for DIY dog treats.


2 cups whole wheat flour
1/2 cup cornmeal
2/3 cup beef broth (make sure it is from bouillon)
1/2 cup peanut butter
6 tablespoons of vegetable oil
1 tablespoon molasses
1 egg


I. Preheat oven to 350 degrees fahrenheit

II. Mix dry ingredients (flour and cornmeal). In another bowl mix the wet ingredients.

III. Mix the wet and dry into one bowl; fold and knead the dough.\

IV. Roll out the dough on a cutting board. After rolling the dough out cut it into the appropriate size for your dog and place on a greased baking sheet.

V. Bake for 30 minutes.

VI. Let cool and give your dog a treat!

*For a little extra 'yummy' put some plain yogurt on the treat before giving it to them!*

19 May 2010

15 May 2010

'Higher' Education

So, I finished getting my BA in English at Rutgers University in NJ, January '010. Now after the years of the promise of what a higher education can provide, I am 5 months unemployed... thus I continue the wait for a mediocre job...
In the meantime, however, I plan on putting time into the things I love to do: painting, photography, DIY projects, and books!
Stay tuned.