12 July 2010

a poem written many years ago about a day that changed me

My room is a mess - I can't see the floor below me
That which is supposed to keep me stable.
Memories lie on the floor because I dare not put them away -
There is no where for them to go.

He'll be here soon,
I dread what is about to begin.
The stairs creak with the movement of his boots until I can see his shadow under the door.
Standing in front of me it appears that there is innocents in his eyes.
I am okay here… I am fine.

Cloths are torn off - he tends to mine and his.
He licks, bites, and slobbers on me, as if he's never touched flesh,
Grabs and pulls at me to tear me apart - leaving his mark where he can.
There are no more defining lines, the room spins, blurs as he me in every which way he can --- a rag doll a child makes dance.

He is not here to 'love' me - it is a hundred yard dash.
Held down for penetration - I look out the window.
He is trying to reach my womb,
pulling away as much as possible
getting ready for a thrust only seen in snuff video.
But he draws back too far, missing -
the skin tears as he just pulls back to repeat.

A pain shakes my body, every nerve is on fire
and every thrust only fuels it.
He finishes in a glory that is only his,
as i scramble to find the strength to sit up he dresses, throwing my clothes at me.

I watch him closely as a new warmth fills my womb -
my blood is spilling.
A pool on the bed forms as the door closes behind him.
Blood is everywhere, more than I have ever seen.
I try to stop it - to clean it, but pool after pool forms.

I am stained.
Everything is stained.